---- Grade 8 ----
---- Grade 8 ----
SD20 Learns Newletters
SD20 Learns Newletters
SD20 Learns Newletters
SD20 Learns
Factors that affect self-identity
What factors contribute to how you see yourself?
cultural heritage
body image
Recognizing how knowing our talents and giving compliments both support self-esteem
Understanding that gender stereotypes and how they impact our self-identity
K-10 Suggested Topics
To be Safe and Healthy-To Learn about oneself - To accept changes and differences
Private body parts and their names
Caring behaviours in groups and families
LEARNING STANDARDS: Names for Parts of the Body
male and female private parts
recognizing that nobody can touch your private parts without your consent
SD20 Lessons & Scripts: An EVERY Body Introductory Script with teaching dolls (p.12-20)
Book: Keep and Speak Secrets
Video: My Body Rules Animation
Video: Consent
Book: Amazing You (pg. 1-16) by Gail Saltz
Book: My Body Belongs to Me from My Head to My Toes by Pro Familia
Early Warning Signs Poster
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
Kids in the Know Lessons 3 and 4
Scientific Names for Body Parts
Bodies with a Penis - Penis, Testicles, Scrotum
Every Body - naval, anus, mouth
Bodies with a Vulva - Vulva, Clitoris, Vagina
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
LEARNING STANDARDS: Identifying Caring Behaviors Among Classmates and Within Families
understanding personal space (e.g., body bubble)
asking for permission to touch or hug a person
respecting “no” or “stop”
showing respect for the boundaries of others
providing guidance
Celebrating different families
Caring and respectful relationships
Respecting “no” or “stop”
Understanding personal space
Book: Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
Lesson Plan: Tango Makes Three
Book: A Family is a Family is a Family by Sara O’Leary
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Friendship Foundations + Brave Choices (Grade 1 Program)
Inappropriate and appropriate ways to be touched
Appropriate (e.g., consensual touch that feels welcome and safe – medical checkups, high-fives) and Inappropriate (e.g., touch that hurts or makes us feel uncomfortable – being hit, touching of private parts)
ways of being touched
Appropriate and inappropriate touching
Practice ok and not ok situations with KIK scenarios
Safe and unsafe behaviours and situations
Practice SHOUT NO with KIK Luring scenarios
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Book: Keep and Speak Secrets
Video: My Body Rules Animation
Book: Amazing You (pg. 1-16) by Gail Saltz
Book: My Body Belongs to Me from My Head to My Toes by Pro Familia
Lesson: KIK – Okay Not Okay
Resource: KIK - Luring Scenarios
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
Early Warning Signs Poster
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
Kids in the Know Lessons 3 & 4
Factors that affect self-identity
Factors that affect self-identity
What factors contribute to how you see yourself?
cultural heritage
body image
Recognizing how knowing our talents and giving compliments both support self-esteem
Understanding that gender stereotypes and how they impact our self-identity
Factors that affect self-identity
Worries and Fears
Factors that affect self-identity
could include:
cultural heritage
How do the various changes you may be experiencing influence your relationships with others?
Questioning Gender Stereotypes
Relationship between worries and fears
Examples of factors that influence mental well-being:
stress levels
personal interests
Relationship between worries and fears
Examples of factors that influence mental well-being:
stress levels
personal interests
Book: Wilma Jean the Worry Machine by Julia Cook
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Understanding Emotions (Grade 3 Program)
Kids in the Know Lesson 2
Private body parts names
Names for Parts of the Body
male and female private parts
recognizing that nobody can touch your private parts without your consent
Scientific Names for Body Parts
Bodies with a Penis - Penis, Testicles, Scrotum
Every Body - naval, anus, mouth
Bodies with a Vulva - Vulva, Clitoris, Vagina
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
SD20 Lessons & Scripts: An EVERY Body Introductory Script with teaching dolls (p.12-20)
Book: Keep and Speak Secrets
Video: My Body Rules Animation
Video: Consent
Book: Amazing You (pg. 1-16) by Gail Saltz
Book: My Body Belongs to Me from My Head to My Toes by Pro Familia
Early Warning Signs Poster
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
Kids in the Know Lessons 3 and 4
Emotions and their causes and effects
LEARNING STANDARDS :Understand emotions and their effects + Identify feelings and worries
understand personal space (e.g., body bubbles)
asking for permission to touch or hug a person
respecting “no” or “stop”
showing respect for the boundaries of others
Understanding our feelings
Getting Along
Resolving Conflicts
Activity Book: *Big Feelings Come and Go
Lesson Plan: Mindful breathing
Lesson Plan: Conflict Resolution
Kids in the Know Lesson 1
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – When Things Are Not Okay (Grade 1 Program)
Emotions and their causes and effects
LEARNING STANDARDS :Understand emotions and their effects + Identify feelings and worries
understand personal space (e.g., body bubbles)
asking for permission to touch or hug a person
respecting “no” or “stop”
showing respect for the boundaries of others
Understanding our feelings
Getting Along
Resolving Conflicts
Activity Book: *Big Feelings Come and Go
Lesson Plan: Mindful breathing
Lesson Plan: Conflict Resolution
Kids in the Know Lesson 1
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Overcoming Worries & Doubts + Exploring Emotions (Grade 2 Program)
Nature and consequence
of bullying
Developing positive relationships
Nature and consequences of bullying and Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
Nature and consequences of bullying
cultivating an awareness of bullying, discrimination, and violence based on gender identity/ expression, sexuality, race, religion, ethnicity, etc.
Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
How does acknowledging similarities and differences between you and your peers influence your relationships with them?
understanding that characteristics of positive relationships may include:
mutual respect
trust and honesty
being safe from harm
feeling valued
feeling supported
setting healthy boundaries
developing an initial understanding of consent:
understanding personal boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others (e.g., body boundaries, emotional boundaries)
ensuring affirmative consent (yes means yes) and obtaining permission before doing things
saying “no” and “stop” in respectful and assertive ways
Nature and consequences of bullying
Accepting differences
Practice expressing kindness to peers
Identifying the positives of being different from peers
Understanding that families have different structures and compositions
Speaking up against unkind behaviour
Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
Establishing boundaries
Appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
Understanding consent
Communicating clearly in friendships
Nature and consequences of bullying
Book: In Our Mothers’ House by Patricia Polacco
Lesson Activities: In Our Mothers’ House
Lesson Plan: What is a Family?
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Being Inclusive of Others (Grade 3 Program)
Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
Video: Consent for Kids
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Maintaining Strong Relationships + Building Friendships (Grade 3 Program)
Kids in the Know Lesson 4
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe or uncomfortable situations
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
What are some factors that might make a situation unsafe and/or uncomfortable?
identifying and naming feelings that indicate you are uncomfortable (e.g., unusual situations that make you feel scared or nervous)
identifying trusted adults versus strangers
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Safe and unsafe behaviours and situations
Practice SHOUT NO with KIK Luring scenarios
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Calling 911
What to do when lost KIK Lesson
Book: KIK - Keep and Speak Secrets
Activity Sheet: Calling 911
Book: My Body, What I Say Goes! by Jayneen Sanders
Lesson: KIK – Okay Not Okay
Resource: KIK - Luring Scenarios
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
Early Warning Signs Poster
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
Kids in the Know Lessons 3 and 4
Emotions and their causes and effects
Caring behaviours in groups and families
Identifying Caring Behaviors Among Classmates and Within Families
understand personal space (e.g., body bubbles)
asking for permission to touch or hug a person
respecting “no” or “stop”
showing respect for the boundaries of others
Celebrating different families
Caring and respectful relationships
Respecting “no” or “stop”
Understanding personal space
Understanding unkind actions
Book: Families, Families, Families by Suzanne Lang
Book: You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith
Book: All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
Book: PERSONAL SPACE picture book
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Caring Classrooms (Kindergarten Program)
Understanding Emotions and their effects
Identify and label feelings
Recognizing feelings in others
Lesson: Kids in the Know - Feelings
Book: In My Heart: A Book of Feelings
Book: Even Superheroes Have Bad Days
Book: Trudy’s Rock Story
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Caring Classrooms (Kindergarten Program)
Strategies for accessing health information
Strategies for accessing health information
accessing sources of support (e.g., trusted adults, school staff, medical professionals) for health information
using judgment and being cautious at all times when seeking an adult for information
Trusted Adult: We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Talking to a trusted adult
Understanding that feelings are important messages that help us figure out what we need
Calling 911
Kids in the Know Lesson 2
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Speaking Up (Grade 2 Program)
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe or uncomfortable situations
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
What are some factors that might make a situation unsafe and/or uncomfortable?
identifying and naming feelings that indicate you are uncomfortable (e.g., unusual situations that make you feel scared or nervous)
identifying trusted adults versus strangers
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Safe and unsafe behaviours and situations
Practice SHOUT NO with KIK Luring scenarios
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Calling 911
What to do when lost KIK Lesson
Activity Sheet: Calling 911
Lesson: KIK – Okay Not Okay
Resource: KIK - Luring Scenarios
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
Book: *Billy Brings His Buddies
Online Activities: Billy Brings His Buddies
Book: *Cosmo Trusts His Instincts
Kids in the Know Lessons 5 & 6
Inappropriate and appropriate ways to be touched
Appropriate (e.g., consensual touch that feels welcome and safe – medical checkups, high-fives) and inappropriate (e.g., touch that hurts or makes us feel uncomfortable – being hit, touching of private parts)
ways of being touched
Appropriate and inappropriate touching
Practice ok and not ok situations with KIK scenarios
Safe and unsafe behaviours and situations
Keep and Speak with KIK scenarios
Practice SHOUT NO with KIK Luring scenarios
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Book: Keep and Speak Secrets
Video: My Body Rules Animation
Book: Amazing You (pg. 1-16) by Gail Saltz
Book: My Body Belongs to Me from My Head to My Toes by Pro Familia
Lesson: KIK – Okay Not Okay
Resource: KIK - Luring Scenarios
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
Early Warning Signs Poster
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
\Kids in the Know Lessons 5 and 6
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe or uncomfortable situations
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
What can you do to stand up for yourself in an unsafe and/or uncomfortable situation?
developing strategies for establishing boundaries in unsafe or uncomfortable situations:
saying now you feel
asking for what you need
disagreeing respectfully
saying no without guilt
speaking up for yourself and others when safe to do so
removing yourself from an unsafe or uncomfortable situation
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Safe and unsafe behaviours and situations
Practice SHOUT NO with KIK Luring scenarios
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Calling 911
What to do when lost KIK Lesson
Book: Let’s Talk About Bodies, Boundaries, Consent, and Respect by Jayneen Sanders
Book: *Billy Brings His Buddies
Book: Boys, Girls and Body Science by Meg Hickling
Video: Keep Private Parts Private
Kids in the Know Lessons 3, 4, 5, 6
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Setting Boundaries in Friendships (Grade 2 Program)
Strategies for hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations
Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations
developing strategies such as:
using a strong voice to set boundaries and saying “no,” “stop,” “I don’t like this”
calling out for help and getting away if possible
telling a trusted adult about an unsettling or dangerous situation until you get help
not giving out personal information (e.g., to strangers, on the Internet).
What can you do to stand up for yourself in an unsafe and/or uncomfortable situation?
developing strategies for establishing boundaries in unsafe or uncomfortable situations:
saying now you feel
asking for what you need
disagreeing respectfully
saying no without guilt
speaking up for yourself and others when safe to do so
removing yourself from an unsafe or uncomfortable situation
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
cultivating an awareness of power imbalances and how they can impact issues of consent and boundaries
Keep and Speak Secrets
Online Safety
The Buddy System
Body Parts Review
Boundaries and Consent
Book: Let’s Talk About Bodies, Boundaries, Consent, and Respect by Jaleen Sanders
Book: *Baxter Bunny Brings His Buddies
Book:*Cosmo Trusts His Instincts
Video: Keep Private Parts Private
Video: Consent for Kids
Resource: Common Lures
Book: Zoe & Molly Online: Stuck in a Weird Spot
Resources: Zoe & Molly Online
Body Safety, Safe/unsafe/secret Touch, Body Parts
An EVERY Body Introductory Script with teaching dolls (p.12-20)
Kids in the Know Lessons 1, 4, 7, 8, 6, 5
Strategies for accessing health information
Strategies for accessing health information
identifying and accessing sources of support (e.g., trusted adults, school staff, medical professionals) for health information and safety signs
using judgement and being cautious at all times when seeking an adult for information
Where can you find health information when you are at school?
identifying and accessing sources of support (e.g., trusted adults, school staff) for disclosing uncomfortable experiences, such as inappropriate touch of abuse
Identifying an adult you can go to for help
Practicing safety strategies
Strategies for communicating medical concerns
Describe strategies for communicating medical concerns and getting help with health issues
Who can you speak with if you have concerns about health issues and/or are unsure about medical instructions?
Sources of health information and support services
Could include:
Medical professionals
Trusted adults
Medical clinics
Community support services
Identify your community of support
Understanding communicable and non-communicable illnesses.
Body image and Social
Illnesses that can be spread or contracted from person to person vs. illnesses that cannot be “caught” from someone else
Examine and explain how health messages can influence behaviours and decisions
How might health messages in the media influence your behaviour?
Examples of factors that influence mental well-being:
stress levels
personal interests
Media messaging and body image
health-related messages that are communicated through media sources, such as the Internet, and magazines.
Communicable Diseases
Understanding Germs
Gender stereotypes
Peer Pressure
Social Media can contribute to self-doubts
Thinking critically online
Talking to Kids about Media and Body Image
Food Advertising
Resource: Talking to Kids about Gender Stereotypes
Video: Sad and Happy: Feelings Happen
Activity: YouSoup Understanding Diversity and the Intersections of Identity
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – The Highlight Reel vs. The Real Deal (Grade 4 Program)
Lesson: Communicable Diseases (pg. 34-42)
Book: Germs: Fact and Fiction, Friends and Foes by Lesa Cline-Ransome
Resource: Talking to Kids about Media and Body Image
Strategies for communicating medical concerns
Describe strategies for communicating medical concerns and getting help with health issues
Who can you speak with if you have concerns about health issues and/or are unsure about medical instructions?
Sources of health information and support services
Could include:
Medical professionals
Trusted adults
Medical clinics
Community support services
Identify your community of support
Strategies for managing changes during puberty
Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty, including those involving sexuality and sexual identity
recognizing how students’ bodies are growing and changing during puberty
acknowledging how students’ thoughts and feelings might evolve or change during puberty
understanding how students interact with others and how their relationships might evolve or change during puberty
How do the various changes you may be experiencing during puberty influence your relationships with others?
identifying changes to body and self-concept
recognizing that personal boundaries may change over time and ongoing consent is required (e.g., behaviors or play evolve with newer boundaries)
All bodies start with similar anatomy in utero, forming from 8 weeks onward into “sex assigned at birth”: female, male, intersex
female: vulva, ovaries, clitoris.
male: penis, scrotum, testicles.
intersex: variations in reproductive or sex anatomy
Breasts and areolas, clitoris>penis, ovaries>testicles, labia>scrotum, urethra, anus, fallopian tubes>vas deferens, ova>sperm, semen/vaginal fluid
Puberty takes about 6 years to fully develop. Pituitary in brain stimulates production of estrogen and testosterone: Emotional, Social, Physical, Mental changes. (sleep hygiene), when to get help (8 dimensions activity)
Changes all bodies experience: hair in armpits/pubic area, sweat, body odor, oil production, acne, mood swings: mads/sads/glads, sex drive, self stimulation/masturbation
Changes due to estrogen (ovaries) breast dev’t, vaginal discharge, menstruation
Changes due to testosterone (testicles): erections, wet dreams, voice changes, hair growth,
Demo items in a hygiene kit
Demo use of menstrual products: pads, tampons etc
Hygiene: Bathing, managing body odor, oral care, preventing bladder/fungal infections, safe use of razors
Lesson Plans: Puberty Guide (pg. 4-26)
Lesson Plans: Puberty Changes and Coping with Puberty
Puberty Basics: Physical Changes
SD20 Lessons:
Follow-up after Sexual Health Education Discussions
Strategies for avoiding unsafe, abusive or exploitive situations
LEARNING STANDARDS :Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
Respecting personal boundaries
Common Lures
Private vs. personal information
Caution when playing games online
Home Alone Safety
What touch breaks boundaries
Lesson Plan: What Makes Us Strong?
Lesson Plan: Respecting or Breaking Personal Boundaries
Lesson Plan: Boundaries and Instincts
Activity Book: Be Smart, Strong & Safe
Video: Private and Personal Information
Video: Keeping Games Fun and Friendly
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Resource: Home Alone Safety Tips
Kids in the Know Lessons
Understanding communicable and non-communicable illness
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
What are some factors that might make a situation unsafe and/or uncomfortable?
identifying and naming feelings that indicate you are uncomfortable (e.g., unusual situations that make you feel scared or nervous)
identifying trusted adults versus strangers
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Communicable vs. non-communicable diseases and illnesses
Prevention Practices
Lesson: Communicable Diseases (pg.49-55)
Book: Germs: Fact and Fiction, Friends and Foes by Lesa Cline-Ransome
Kids in the Know Lessons
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
What are some factors that might make a situation unsafe and/or uncomfortable?
identifying and naming feelings that indicate you are uncomfortable (e.g., unusual situations that make you feel scared or nervous)
identifying trusted adults versus strangers
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Safe and unsafe behaviours and situations
Practice SHOUT NO with KIK Luring scenarios
Body Safety Rules
No one can touch your body parts or show you pictures of body parts without your consent
You must never touch another person’s private body parts
Early warning signs
If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Trusted Adult
We have grown-ups in our life we can go to for help. Who are the grownups you can go to for help: at school?, at home?, at daycare?, where else?
Calling 911
What to do when lost KIK Lesson
Book: KIK - Keep and Speak Secrets
Activity Sheet: Calling 911
Book: My Body, What I Say Goes! by Jayneen Sanders
Lesson: KIK – Okay Not Okay
Resource: KIK - Luring Scenarios
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout NO!
Early Warning Signs Poster
10 Body Safety Rules Poster
Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination and violence
Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence and Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
cultivating an awareness of bullying, discrimination, and violence based on gender identity/ expression, sexuality, race, religion, ethnicity, etc.
assessing the situation, avoiding, being assertive, reporting, seeking help
Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
What resources exist in your school to help students who are being bullied?
cultivating an awareness of bullying, discrimination, and violence based on gender identity/ expressions, sexuality, race, religion, or ethnicity, etc.
understanding that characteristics of positive relationships may include:
mutual respect
trust and honesty
safety from harm
feeling valued
feeling supported
healthy boundaries
demonstrating an initial understanding of consent:
understanding personal boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others (e.g., body boundaries, emotional boundaries)
ensuring affirmative consent (yes means yes) and obtaining permission before doing things
saying “no” and “stop” in respectful and assertive ways
Discussing Equity Issues
Understanding our unique differences
Define and explain characteristics of bullying
Learn strategies to handle or overcome bullies
Understanding the impact of being unkind to others
Showing compassion and empathy
Getting to know personal boundaries
Making responsible decisions to maintain healthy relationships
Lesson: Kids Health - Bullying
Resource: Discussing Equity Issues
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute –Embracing Our Unique Classroom Community (Grade 4 Program)
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Friendship Toolbox and Healthy Friendships (Grade 4 Program)
Kids in the Know Lesson 4
Managing physical, emotional and social changes
Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty, including those involving sexuality and sexual identity
How do the various changes you may be experiencing during puberty influence your relationships with others?
identifying changes to body and self-concept
recognizing that personal boundaries may change over time and ongoing consent is required (e.g., behaviours or play evolve with newer boundaries)
recognizing how students’ bodies are growing and changing during puberty
acknowledging how students’ thoughts and feelings might evolve or change during puberty
understanding how students interact with others
Changes that occur during puberty, including those involving sexuality and sexual identity (a component of a person’s identity that reflects his or her sexual self-concept)
Puberty and hygiene
Physical changes during puberty
Puberty kits
Awareness of emotions and how feelings are separate from behaviours
Managing changes during puberty
Lesson Plans: Puberty Changes and Coping with Puberty
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Staying True to Yourself (Grade 4 Program)
SD68 Lessons:
Puberty Basics: Physical Changes
SD20 Lessons:
Kids in the Know Lesson 2
Hazardous and potentially unsafe situations
strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
What can you do to stand up for yourself in an unsafe and/or uncomfortable situation?
developing strategies for establishing boundaries in unsafe or uncomfortable situations:
saying how you feel
asking for what you need
disagreeing respectfully
saying no without guilt
speaking up for yourself and others when safe to do so
removing yourself from an unsafe or uncomfortable situation
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
cultivating an awareness of power imbalances and how they can impact issues of consent and boundaries
Common Lures
Seven Root Safety Strategies
Identifying safe grown-ups and how to get help
Distinguishing between safe and unsafe secrets/boundaries
Staying safe while home alone and reducing risks of victimization
Personal vs. private information online
Activity Book: Safety Rocks
Book: Zoe & Molly Online – When Online Games Get Weird
Lesson: Private and Personal Information
Lesson: Keeping Games Fun and Friendly
Kids in the Know Lessons 1, 3, 5, 6, & 7
Strategies for managing changes during puberty
Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty, including those involving sexuality and sexual identity
recognizing how students’ bodies are growing and changing during puberty
acknowledging how students’ thoughts and feelings might evolve or change during puberty
understanding how students interact with others and how their relationships might evolve or change during puberty
How do the various changes you may be experiencing during puberty influence your relationships with others?
identifying changes to body and self-concept
recognizing that personal boundaries may change over time and ongoing consent is required (e.g., behaviors or play evolve with newer boundaries)
All bodies start with similar anatomy in utero, forming from 8 weeks onward into “sex assigned at birth”: female, male, intersex
female: vulva, ovaries, clitoris.
male: penis, scrotum, testicles.
intersex: variations in reproductive or sex anatomy
Breasts and areolas, clitoris>penis, ovaries>testicles, labia>scrotum, urethra, anus, fallopian tubes>vas deferens, ova>sperm, semen/vaginal fluid
Puberty takes about 6 years to fully develop. Pituitary in brain stimulates production of estrogen and testosterone: Emotional, Social, Physical, Mental changes. (sleep hygiene), when to get help (8 dimensions activity)
Changes all bodies experience: hair in armpits/pubic area, sweat, body odor, oil production, acne, mood swings: mads/sads/glads, sex drive, self stimulation/masturbation
Changes due to estrogen (ovaries) breast dev’t, vaginal discharge, menstruation
Changes due to testosterone (testicles): erections, wet dreams, voice changes, hair growth,
Demo items in a hygiene kit
Demo use of menstrual products: pads, tampons etc
Hygiene: Bathing, managing body odor, oral care, preventing bladder/fungal infections, safe use of razors
Lesson Plans: Puberty Guide (pg. 4-26)
Lesson Plans: Puberty Changes and Coping with Puberty
Puberty Basics: Physical Changes
SD20 Lessons:
Follow-up after Sexual Health Education Discussions
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Things We Can and Can’t Control (Grade 5 Program)
Strategies for avoiding unsafe or exploitive situations
LEARNING STANDARDS :Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
understand personal space (e.g., body bubbles)
asking for permission to touch or hug a person
respecting “no” or “stop”
showing respect for the boundaries of others
Respecting personal boundaries
Common Lures
Private vs. personal information
Caution when playing games online
Home Alone Safety
What touch breaks boundaries
Lesson Plan: What Makes Us Strong?
Lesson Plan: Respecting or Breaking Personal Boundaries
Lesson Plan: Boundaries and Instincts
Activity Book: Be Smart, Strong & Safe
Video: Private and Personal Information
Video: Keeping Games Fun and Friendly
Resource: If Asked to Go . . . Shout No!
Resource: Home Alone Safety Tips
Kids in the Know Lessons 1, 3, 4, 6, & 8
Understanding communicable and non-communicable illness
Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
What are some factors that might make a situation unsafe and/or uncomfortable?
identifying and naming feelings that indicate you are uncomfortable (e.g., unusual situations that make you feel scared or nervous)
identifying trusted adults versus strangers
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Communicable vs. non-communicable diseases and illnesses
Prevention Practices
Lesson: Communicable Diseases (pg.49-55)
Book: Germs: Fact and Fiction, Friends and Foes by Lesa Cline-Ransome
Practices that reduce the risk of contracting STD's
Practices that reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and life-threatening communicable diseases
hepatitis B and C
meningococcal C
Sources of health information
medical professionals
professionally produced health pamphlets
eHealth information
community support services
Communicable vs. Non-Communicable diseases
Understanding and preventing STBBIs
Define and differentiate between HIV and AIDS
Lesson Plan: Elementary School Sexual Health Manual - Lesson 7, Communicable Diseases (p. 130-157)
Video: The ABC’s of STD’s
Strategies managing changes during puberty
Create and assess strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
How do the various changes you may be experiencing during puberty and adolescence influence your relationships with others?
developing strategies for managing growth and changing bodies during puberty
identifying how thoughts and feelings might evolve or change during puberty (e.g., romantic feelings replacing friendship and changing dynamics and boundaries within relationships)
considering how students interact with others and how their relationships might evolve or change during puberty and adolescence
demonstrating an understanding that any intimate activities (including those involving intimate images) must be consensual
Describe physical, emotional and social changes that occur during puberty; e.g. menstruation, secondary sexual characteristics, changing identity and moods.
Understanding romantic relationships vs. friendships
Understanding Puberty
Reproductive systems
Puberty Kit
Physical changes during puberty
Lesson Plan: Puberty: Changes in Me
Lesson Plan: More Than Friends: Understanding Romantic Relationships
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Finding Your Values and Striving for Your Own Greatness (Grade 7 Program)
SD20 Lessons:
Puberty Interview – Ask an Adult
SD68 Lessons:
Explore the impact of transition and change on identities
Explore the impact of transition and change on identities, including sexual identity, gender, values, and beliefs
Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
problems sleeping
loss of appetite and energy
wanting to be away from friends and/or family
how students’ bodies are growing and changing during puberty and adolescence (e.g., identifying changes to body and self-concept)
how students’ thoughts and feelings might evolve or change during puberty and adolescence (e.g., managing impulses and intense feelings)
how students interact with others and how their relationships might evolve or change during puberty and adolescence (e.g., recognizing that personal boundaries may change over time and ongoing consent is required; demonstrating situational awareness and responding to social cues – such as changes in mood)
Understanding the four traits of “every body”:
gender identity
gender expression
sexual orientation
Identify the effects of social influences on sexuality, gender roles, and equity
Exploring media influences
Gender roles and stereotyping
Understanding gender identity terms:cisgender, transgender, and gender fluid, gender queer, and gender non-conforming.
Lesson Plan: Gender, Body Image & Social Influences
Resource: The Every Body Tool
Video: Being Female, Male, Transgender or Fluid
Lesson: Call Me Tree
Strategies for avoiding unsafe or exploitive situations
Propose strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
developing strategies for establishing boundaries in unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations on the internet, at school and in the community:
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers
cultivating an awareness of power imbalances, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence and exploitative situations pertaining to consent and gender-based violence (e.g., human trafficking, coercion, deceit)
Pressure, Consent and Making Good Choices, Open Parachute, Grade 8 Lessons
Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries, Kids in the Know, Lesson 3
Sextortion PPT and What’s the Deal, Kids in the Know, Activity Book
Online safety erase cyberbullying
Online safety Foundry.bc
Internet Safety, Supporting Student Health, p. 16-19,
Healthy decision making
Healthy Sexual Decision Making
knowing and respecting personal and family values
using consent (including sexual consent)
knowing boundaries and being able to communicate them
being aware of what to do in risky situations
What are your values? What are your family’s values?
The language of consent
Setting and respecting boundaries
Identifying situations that put us at risk
Responsibilities and Choices, Lesson Plan, Teaching Sexual Health.ca
Decision Making, Lesson Plan, Teaching Sexual Health.ca
Consent Explained: What Is It? Video, Amaze.org
Intimacy: the why, why not’s, how to’s, Scarleteen
Ways to know if you are ready to have sex: Options for Sexual Health
Are you ready to have sex video and questions, Video, Amaze.org
Strategies for avoiding unsafe or exploitive situations
LEARNING STANDARDS :Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
What are some strategies you can use to avoid an unsafe or potentially exploitive situation while using the Internet and/or in the community?
developing strategies for establishing boundaries in unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations:
saying how you feel
asking for what you need
disagreeing respectfully
saying no without guilt
speaking up for yourself and others when safe to do so
removing yourself from an unsafe or uncomfortable situation
using a strong voice to set boundaries by:
saying “no,” “stop,” “I don’t like this”
calling out for help and getting away if possible
telling a trusted adult about an unsettling or dangerous situation until you get help
not giving out personal information (e.g., to strangers, on the Internet)
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
cultivating awareness of power imbalances and how they can impact issues of consent and boundaries
developing awareness of sexual harassment and intimate partner violence, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse
acknowledging that survivors of abuse are not to blame and deserve respect and that all people have the right to have their boundaries respected
recognizing that survivors experience the results of abuse differently and it can show up differently from person to person
raising awareness of exploitative situations pertaining to consent and gender-based violence (e.g., human trafficking, coercion, deceit)
Understanding the impact of what we share online
Understanding the dangers of online interactions and setting boundaries online
Understanding complex emotions
Supporting peers who disclose abuse
Setting personal boundaries
Talking about abuse
Lesson Plan: Abuse, Support and Finding Hope --Open Parachute, Grade 7 Lessons
Activity: What’s the Deal Activity Book
Lesson Plan: Respecting Yourself and Others Online + Guide
Lesson Plan: Open Parachute – Abuse, Support, and Finding Hope (Grade 7 Program)
Kids in the Know: Lessons 6 & 7
Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
What are some factors that might make a situation unsafe and/or uncomfortable?
identifying and naming feelings that indicate you are uncomfortable (e.g., unusual situations that make you feel scared or nervous)
identifying trusted adults versus strangers
recognizing behaviours used by abusers or groomers (e.g., giving gifts, isolating a victim from their family, using guilt or blackmail to control)
Changing bodies during puberty
How thoughts and feelings might evolve or change during puberty
Understanding that any intimate activities (including those involving intimate images) must be consensual
How to do Question and Answer Boxes in your Class, K. Kimmerly, A guide for teachers
Going Through Puberty, Teaching Sexual Health.ca, Lesson Plan
Healthy Relationships, Alberta Health Services.ca, Lesson Plan
Identifying Feelings, Kids in the Know, Lesson 1-2
Facing New Challenges & Embracing Change, Open Parachute, Grade 8 Lessons
Dating Relationships, Kids in the Know, Lesson 4
Healthy Relationships, Supporting Student Health, p.20-24
Grade 8-10 Lessons, Google Slides, Adapted from SD68 (select lesson specific slides)